As the young, hard-nosed, newly appointed captain of a commercial fishing boat, Jack Frost returned after the first week as "Top Hook" – he had out-fished all the others. But he also harpooned his mentor's heart on the way to the top. Captain Frost's exciting and dangerous adventures take you from Cape Horn to Antarctica
to the shores of North Carolina and Poland as he describes his journey from a sinking ship of slavery to his maiden voyage of sonship.
Jack and Trisha experienced many things through the 35 years of their relationship; some joyful and exciting, others disappointing and wounding. They lived, loved and fought their way into finally finding their destiny. From their life journey to find the love they had so desperately been seeking came a revelation of unconditional agape love that brought healing to their family and also to the lives of many families around the world as Jack traveled and shared their story. Now the message of agape continues in the life of Trisha and their children.
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